Sketch O’The Week

Sketch o’the Week

April 30th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

A quick study of Saturday Night Live‘s Andy Samberg. He’s got this incredibly thick neck and small cranial mass. An interesting face to draw. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

April 23rd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Not very ambitious this week, but here’s a very quick and cartoony study of George W. Bush. It was actually one of several sketches I did early on in a product illustration job that I just wrapped up. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

April 16th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Quick warm up study of Greek TV show star Spencer Grammer. I had just read a blurb about this show yesterday and that she is the daughter of Kelsey Grammer, better know to the world of course as “Dr. Henry McCoy” AKA “The Beast” from X-Men: The Last Stand… oh and I guess a couple of TV shows as well. I’ve had a few requests to post the photo I worked from with these sketches as well. I won’t have time to do that very often but here’s the pic I drew this one from: I have no idea at all if my caricature looks… READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

April 9th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

I added some simple color to this pencil sketch I did last week of actress Kim Basinger in order to incorporate it into a job I was working on. Very rough and blocky, but it is such a small element in the job I didn’t want to spend much time on it. This is about 10 minutes of slapping some digital paint around. READ MORE

Sketch o’the Week

April 2nd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Couldn’t resist this quick study of the great Al Jaffee for this week’s “Sketch o’the Week”. READ MORE

Sketch O’The Week

March 26th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

A quick and not entirely successful study of Kim Basinger from an older photo. Not really much of a caricature. She’s got a very square face shape from the front, but it becomes much more triangular in a 3/4 view. READ MORE

Sketch O’The Week

March 19th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

Click image for a closer look… Another “cheat” as this is a pencil for a poster job. There may be a lot of cheating on the blog for the next two weeks or so. I have multiple large projects all coming to a head and once and it will be a serious challenge to keep the blog updated daily. The good news is I will have plenty of final art to share once it’s either published or public, or what have you. READ MORE

Bonus Sketch o’the Week

March 15th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week

As promised (or threatened, depending on your point of view), here is a bonus “Sketch o’the Week” to make up for Wednesday’s shameful cop out. This one is of toad-like Comedy Central personality Lewis Black. That sunken chin and mouth remind me of Mel Torme. READ MORE


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