July 16th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Recently I came across a few rough sketches that I did to work up some of my theme park caricature samples some years ago. In a pinch (meaning when I don’t have time to do anything new for the Wednesday “sketch o’the week”) I will post one of these along with the resulting finished theme park sample. These are often very rough and loose. Here’s an early draft of my David Letterman sample. Notice in the final I made some changes to his overall head shape, especially in his forehead and brow, which made for a much more effective likeness. READ MORE
July 9th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is of “The King”, rock and roll legend Elvis Presley. I’ve always found Elvis kind of a hard subject, I think mainly because I have this mental image of what he looks like and it doesn’t really match up with his actual features. If anyone wants some inspiration drawing Elvis, check out the blog of fellow Minnesota caricaturist Zack Wallenfang. He has been doing something really fun for the last several months that he calls “Elvis of the Day”. Each day he does a different drawing of Elvis. He’s up to 177 so far, but I see he’s fallen off the wagon… READ MORE
July 2nd, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is a quick study of the late, great Spencer Tracy from a photo reference circa 1942 1967. READ MORE
June 25th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Still trying to nail this deadline so this week’s sketch will have to be a “blast from the past” from an old sketchbook. This was a quick study of director Steven Spielberg that I eventually redrew and painted up as a theme park sample circa 2002 (see park sample below). I was making fun of his cashing in on the anniversary of E.T. READ MORE
June 18th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Since I sort of already did a sketch for this week of Edward Norton for yesterday’s review of “The Incredible Hulk“, I’m going to kill two birds with one stone today by posting the pencil sketches of actor Michael Rooker for those movie set digital paintings I shared earlier this week. I say “kill two birds…” because they will serve not only as this week’s sketch(es) but also demonstrate the earlier stages of those paintings which I was privately asked about by several readers: Click image for a closer look… Click image for a closer look… And again, here are the paintings done from the… READ MORE
June 11th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
A few months ago I did an odd piece for MAD where I was required to draw a number of MAD staffers as monkeys or apes. When doing it I found a lot of pictures of real apes and monkeys on the internet to use as inspiration and reference. A few of them came from a book called “Monkey Portraits” by Jill Greenberg. A little while later The Lovely Anna brought home this very book that she found on sale at the bookstore as a surprise. It’s chock full of funny and expressive portraits of simians shot with amazing detail and lighting. It’s weird how… READ MORE
June 7th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
Click for a closer look Several people seemed to feel I was too nice to Carrot Top in the most recent “Sketch o’the Week” so this time I went with “disturbing” as opposed to “cartoony”. READ MORE
June 4th, 2008 | Posted in Sketch O'The Week
This week’s sketch is of the incredibly frightening prop-happy comedien Scott “Carrot Top” Thompson. This is an example of why you should not take steroids. Juice monkeys have a certain look to them… and this is it. As if the eye makeup and hair wasn’t scary enough… Here are the two pics I used as the reference for this drawing, just so you can see I am not exaggerating much. Look at the deformity in his shoulders and the thin skin. You can’t see it but his legs are stick thin… It’s guys like this that give bodybuilding a bad name. READ MORE