Richmond Illustration Inc.
Catwoman Week- Camren Bicondova!
July 17th, 2018 | Posted in General
Catwoman week concludes with the most recent portrayal of (a young) Selena Kyle, Camren Bicodova from the TV show Gotham. I debated including her in the group as my usual criteria for these prints is an actor/actress must appear in a TV show or movie officially as the character, in costume. I left out the two Superboys from my “Men of Steel” print for that reason, and the kid Bruce Wayne from “Gotham” from my “Bats in the Belfry” print. However Camren arguably is the character already as she is a thief, is in a costume of sorts, and jumps off buildings, etc. Anyway I thought 7 was more fun than 6.
Look for the full print here tomorrow!!
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