CLAPTRAP Now on Indemand!

That’s a wrap! The “funding” portion of Des and my crowdfunding campaign has ended, and our Indiegogo page has moved into the “Indemand” phase. This will last until the book ships next year.
Indemand is basically just an online store where you can pre-order a copy of the book. Most of the previous perks that were available have now gone, having been available only during the “funding” part of the campaign, and helped us reach our initial goal and all the stretch goals. There’s still some fun extras available and different price points to preorder the book:
- The “Clod”– A basic copy of the hardcover CLAPTRAP book
- The “Klutz”– The book plus a PDF that includes the full “Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker” parody and a “Behind the Scenes” look at Des’s script with notes and material that was edited out of the final spoof, and my roughs, pencils, inks, etc. The complete process!
- The “Dolt”– The book signed by both Des and I, plus the Star Wars PDF
- The “Schmuck”– The signed book, the Star Wars PDF and an exclusive print
- The “Schmendrick”– The signed book, the Star Wars PDF and a detailed sketch by me in the book. This sketch will be of a character from one of the book’s spoofs (your choice of which spoof, my choice of which character) done in my signature crosshatch pencil style.
A few notes: The Schmendrick was limited to 100, and as of the switch to Indemand only 17 of the 100 remained, so there are only a few of those left. The Star Wars PDF being offered here is a combination of the parody itself and the “Behind the Scenes” material that was previously offered separately in the now defunct “Nebbish” perk. That PDF will start delivering via email late next month!
Des and I are considering adding some fun merchandise to the Indemand store, but for now it’s a place to pre-order the book and other extras!
Thanks again to everyone who backed the book! We are now going to step up our work on the contents, and this is really going to come together in the next 9 months or so.
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