CLAPTRAP Original Art Available!
It’s been a little over a year since CLAPTRAP was released, and I have officially healed from the trauma of doing that much work for one project. The many late nights and countless hours on the drawing board makes it a little hard to want to part with the tangible results of all that work. It’s the same with most any big jobs for me. For a while after I finish a major project I like to have that work in the flat files just as a reminder that I did accomplish something with all the effort. Eventually that need passes and it just becomes more art in my flat files, although I still consider the work I did on CLAPTRAP to be the best stuff I’ve ever done.
All that said I have made the originals from the book available in the Studio Store. These were all done like my work for MAD, inked traditionally with dip pen and brush on heavy bristol at (almost) 200% of print size. That makes each page a whopping 17″ x 22″! I paste up the text copy into the empty inked word boxes, and in the case of splash pages also paste up the header graphics and intro copy. I also include a print of the page as it appears in the book. All that stuff is signed of course.
If you are interested in an original CLAPTRAP page, visit the Studio Store here.
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