CLAPTRAP Original Art For Sale?

I’ve been getting a number of inquiries about if the original art from Desmond Devlin and my upcoming book of movie parodies will be for sale. The answer is yes, some of it, eventually.
A number of the pages from the book are already spoken for through the different tiers we had during our Indiegogo campaign. All the pages from the parodies of “Psycho” and “Toy Story 4” will be going to our two super-ultra-uber “Megalomanic” backers. They each both chose the movie they wanted us to do and sponsored the entire parody, and get the entire set of pages from their spoof. Those at the “Mensch” level both get drawn into a page of a parody and get the original of the page they appeared in. There are 16 of those.
That leaves the rest of the pages up for grabs… eventually. I’ve had some folks ask to reserve pages from certain parodies, but I’m not going to do that. Once the book is in print and all the backer’s pages are delivered, I’ll see what remains and figure out what I want to part with and what I don’t.
To be honest I am not all that enthusiastic about selling originals right after they are in print. I like to keep them around for a little while just because they represent all the hundreds and hundreds of hours I put into the art. After spending so much time and effort on them, they are a little like old friends that you aren’t in a hurry to part with. That wears off after a while, however… especially when I suddenly find out we need a new water heater.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, though. First I need to finish drawing, inking and coloring all this art for CLAPTRAP. Speaking of which… BACK TO THE INKWELL!
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