CLAPTRAP Stretch Goals!

Since Des Devlin and my book project CLAPTRAP is successfully funded, the next thing we’re apparently supposed to do is set some “Stretch Goals”. These are higher funding goals that, if reached, means we add or do more stuff for the book. The great thing about stretch goals is that if you are already one of those special people who have contributed to the book, you will benefit from our reaching these goals without doing anything at all!
Well, that’s not exactly true. What we need our backers to do is continue to share our campaign far and wide, so it gets in front of new eyes and a wider audience. Then we get more backers. Then we reach our stretch goals. Then YOU get more stuff out of your existing contribution!
Anyway, here are the three stretch goals we have set:
Stretch Goal #1- If Claptrap reaches $50,000:
Everyone will receive a specialty Claptrap bookmark, with art by me! I’ve not done it yet because I want to include characters from the books parodies and we don’t yet have a full list of which films we are going to do, but it will be 2″ x 9″, full color, and have a “Desmond” side and a “Richmond” side. This will be an exclusive only for backers. As of this writing we are already less than $1500 away from this one.
Stretch Goal #2: If Claptrap reaches $52,000:
Backers who’ve supported our top five tiers (“Schmendrick” and up) will be getting a unique sketch drawn into their books by me. Right now, it’s my choice of which character to draw and from what movie. In other words, I draws what I wants to draw. However, if we unlock this stretch goal, all “Schmendrick” and up backers will now get to choose exactly WHICH movie parody they want me to draw a character from! I still get to pick which character I’ll be drawing, but YOU will get to pick the movie it come from.
Stretch Goal #3: If Claptrap reaches $55,000:
This is the big one. Des and I will write and draw an eleventh FULL movie parody for the book! Maybe it’ll wind up being the movie you pick for your sketch. Maybe it’ll be the place you keep your exclusive bookmark!
So, share the link to our IndieGoGo campaign everywhere and often, and help us unlock these stretch goals!!
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It will be 2″ x 9″, full color, and have a “Desmond” side and a “Richmond” side.
Just call us ‘Mond & ‘Mond!