CLAPTRAP’s Stretch (Goal) Run!

MAD writer Desmond Devlin and my crowdfunded book project CLAPTRAP is in its stretch run… only 14 days left until the end of the campaign! We’ve blown away the initial goal and our first two stretch goals, and are inching toward our final stretch goal which is a big one: we add an 11th parody to the book! That’s 10% more content, more laughs for your bucks, and about 3-4 weeks more work for Des and I.
Unfortunately our momentum has slowed way down… it’s currently moving about as fast as Pennsylvania counts ballots. Yesterday was the first day of the campaign where we had no new backers, so things are pretty quiet.
We are very close, less that $1000 away from that goal. As of this writing, we only need about 39 copies of the book to be claimed to unlock the 11th parody stretch goal. There are two ways you can help:
- Back us! If you have not backed the book project yet, now’s the time! Des and I will have this book done and delivered as promised, and it will be a handsome product. Hardcover, glossy full color pages, full of parodies of some of the greatest films that never got the MAD treatment, plus multiple pages of extra movie-related features.
- Share it! If you have backed us or aren’t quite ready to, you can help us by sharing the campaign far and wide. The vast majority of the world has no idea we are making this book, so the more it gets shared the more potential backers get a chance to see what we are up to and jump on board!
Next week we unveil yet another splash page sneak peek, which will also reveal the second “Megalomaniac” movie choice. It’s a doozy… a truly classic film and a landmark of its genre.
Let’s make that 11th parody happen!
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