CNN Sitcom Sketches!
I really got a lot of positive comments on my illustrations for CNN’s “History of the Sitcom” documentary. Thanks to everyone who had nice things to say about the art. For those whose only comments were “WHY ISN’T (insert name of their favorite show) INCLUDED?!?”, please contact CNN Original Series to complain and/or just put it on your TS list.
Many people asked about the process and how I put together the compositions. Because there were so many people and they needed to be put together in both a vertical and horizontal format, I did individual sketches of each “show” character(s) and then played around with them digitally until I got a balanced fit. In some cases I redid the art a little so it fit better with surrounding elements, especially between the horizontal and vertical versions.
For example Henry Winkler’s “thumb’s up” and head angle are different in the two different versions for better balance. There are other examples. These are the sketches I sent to CNN for approval.
For those who asked about buying a print, CNN tells me they have no plans to create one and they unequivocally denied me permission to do one myself, so put that on your TS list also…but this time with my apologies.
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First rate.
Saw this on the CNN homepage just now and knew immediately it was yours. Wonderful caricatures and composition and thank you for the info on how you did the layout.