Richmond Illustration Inc.
Come See Me at Wondercon!
March 24th, 2017 | Posted in News
It’s been years since I last had a space at Wondercon… in fact it was still in San Fransisco the last time I was there. This year I’ll be at space #DL-o2 with my usual set of garbage, including a big stack of Goodnight Batcave books, a few original MAD pages, My Mad Art of Caricature and Sketch o’the Week books, lots of copies of MAD, my limited edition prints, comic-con exclusive mini-prints, and of course lots of commissions and caricatures I draw on the spot! Come and see The Lovely Anna and me next weekend, Fri March 31 thorugh Sun April 2nd at the Anaheim Convention Center!
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Awesome!, question, will you be selling your The Mad Art of Caricature Book?..
I would love to get it and have you sign it