Back in the USA
We just landed in Washington DC from our trip overseas to meet with and draw for U.S. troops in Germany and the Middle East. Now that we have safely left the area, we can reveal where we were.
After leaving Germany we traveled to Kuwait City, Kuwait and drew in several FOB camps including Camp Buerhing and Camp Virginia, traveling by road vehicle. On Monday we flew out to Iraq on a military plane and spent the next two days visiting FOB camps like Speicher, Q-West, Marez, Victory, Liberty and Slayer near some well know places like Tikrit, Kirkuk, Mosul and Baghdad.
The above video was posted by Spc. Angela Widener and shows our visit to Camp Marez in Iraq. If you have trouble playing the video (If you see the word “EMBED” and some code instead of a picture) do the following: click the center “Play” button, then click the arrow next to the word “EMBED” on the top, then click the play button again.
Much more later.
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What a great tour for you guys! I can tell that made a lot of their day!
Good on all of you for going over there to show your support for the troops. Must have been quite the experience.
Great trip, thanks for visiting the troops!
Wonderful Tom, wish I could do the same for our British troops or if a trip comes up and you guy’s need a stand in, just shout, OK.
ditto to Steve-would love to for our Canadians in Afghanistan-did any women go?
Sadly there are very few professional cartoonists who are women. None came on this trip, although both the main USO guide and the official USO photographer were women.