Richmond Illustration Inc.
Des and I Livestream Tonight!
October 27th, 2020 | Posted in News

Desmond and I are guests tonight at 8:00 pm CDT on a LIVE STREAM episode of the MAD magazine news and review channel “Flippin’ Through”! We’ll talk about CLAPTRAP and our time at MAD. The chat will be open for live questions or comments. Join us tonight!

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yayyyyyyyyy! love caricatures.
Gosh! I’d love to be there BUT you guys are going up against Game 6 of the World Series! Yer killin’ me! As a stone-cold, dyed-in-the-wool, Blue-Bleedin’ Son of Lasorda you’re forcing me to make a choice! Gotta say, fellas, Mookie and My Bums are gonna win out! But, I know it’s gonna be a gas and I can’t wait for the inaugaral CLAPTRAP!!! Keep on doin’ what you’re doin’! We love it!