Des & Tom’s Movie Parody Book!

Are you sad that MAD Magazine has stopped producing the movie parodies that they helped make a part of American Pop Culture? MAD writer Desmond Devlin and I are too, mostly because we have been doing the majority of them for the last twenty years and they aren’t paying us anymore!
Well we decided to do something about it!
We are pleased to announce the launch of our IndieGoGo campaign to produce a book FULL of movie parodies in the classic, humorous vein. Full color! Real paper! Hardcover! Reasonably proficient grammar! It’s called Claptrap!:
Our first parody is already done (see splash page above)! MAD spoofed all 8 of the previous main Star Wars movies… but not the last one! “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” completes the parody series. We already have our second parody written and the art is in the works… this one is a classic drama that is considered one of the best movies ever made, but MAD never did a spoof of it! We’ll reveal that midway through the campaign, complete with a look at the splash page.
Des and I would love to keep the sequential art style movie parody genre alive, but we need your help! Go to our IndieGoGo campaign page and see what this project is all about, and consider backing our book! You can do so for as little as $12 (the “Putz” level, where you get a lousy digital copy of just our “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” spoof… cheapskate). There are levels that include everything from just a copy of the hardcover book, to signed ones or ones with sketches, behind the scenes extras, a chance to suggest and vote on which movies we will do, exclusive prints, small group ZOOM sessions with Des and I, having YOU get drawn INTO a parody, original art, and the ultimate perk, The “Megalomaniac”: YOU sponsor an entire parody including telling US what movie to spoof, getting drawn in as a character AND getting all the original art from your spoof (hey big spender!)
Des and I teamed up for 30 movie/TV parodies in MAD Magazine over two decades. We never missed a deadline and have no plans to miss any now. This book WILL get done if we reach our funding goal. So, back us if you can, and please SHARE our campaign far and wide. Let’s not let this genre die, and we could all use the laughs.
We hope you’ll back us!
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Tom, so if you want to be in the movie, get the original page of artwork, and get a signed book, it would be $500 + $800+$75…cha-ching…$1375? Some of the larger perks do NOT include some of the lower perks, correct? Each one is COMPLETELY separate?
Thanks and GOOD LUCK to both of you!
No. If you read the descriptions, all the higher perks include EVERYTHING that are perks below them. So if you get the “Mensch” perk, which is $800 and the main perk is you being drawn into a parody AND you get the artwork. But you also get everything below it, unless they double up. You are already getting you drawn into a parody, so you don’t get TWO of those, you get drawn into a parody AND the original page. Your copy of the hardcover book includes all the perk upgrades, so it will be signed by both Des and I, and I do a sketch in it also. You don’t get three copies, just one but with all the upgrades. You get to do the small group Zoom chat with Des and I. You get the Star Wars spoof PDF and the “Behind the Scenes” PDF. All for the $800.
Ah, you have to “Clicky to Embiggen” the Perk to see the description and all included. Thanks!
Tom Petty: Waiting is the hardest part.
You can talk about Tom Petty all you want, but we’re still NOT doing “The Postman”!
Just bought mine. Looking forward to the book.
Tom and Desmond, thank you so much for this project. I have been a Mad reader for 45 years and what was always the best part of Mad: The movie parody!! I so look forward to your take on some overlooked current and classic movies. Yes I have a wish list, I would love to see movies that have become part of our pop culture, maybe some overlooked Best Pictures, some classics, alongside the blockbusters. Whatever they may be, I trust you guys will do a great job. It would be great to see some overlooked TV shows too, maybe in future editions. Thanks again, can’t wait for the finished product!
Thanks David!
David Levy: Yes I have a wish list, I would love to see movies that have become part of our pop culture, maybe some overlooked Best Pictures, some classics, alongside the blockbusters.
Good news! We’ve already decided to do at least one particular movie that came out before either Tom or myself was born. Plus a couple of celebrated classics that are more than 25 years old. MAD fans and film fans will be happy to see them get the treatment at long last.
Thanks for your help, David, in making it happen!
So many masterpieces to spoof!
Beach Blanket Bingo
RoboCop 3
From Justin To Kelly
Friday the 13th – Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
And the list goes on. Oh, wait. Those movies will appear in the forthcoming book from Cracked called CRAPTRAP!