Doctor Who Limited Edition Print!
Here’s the finished art for my Doctor Who limited edition print. There were some printing hassles, but everything’s ironed out and the final prints will be available for ordering starting next week Wednesday, both here and at Comic-Con, where I will have the actual prints in hand. Due to some odd requirements for the print run (weird size, special format, etc), I’ll actually be producing 450 of these prints, rather than 250. Here’s the pricing and availability:
“The Doctor is In” Limited Edition Print
- 450 signed and numbered prints
- 11″ x 27″, elegant matte finish heavyweight professional print
- $25.00 plus $3 US shipping/$8 Canada/$15 Rest of World
“The Doctor is In” Special Edition Print
- 11 signed and numbered prints
- Each print number 1-11 includes signed, original, inked black and white artwork of the corresponding Doctor (i.e. print number 4 comes with the original art for Doctor #4, Tom Baker)
- 11″ x 27″, elegant matte finish heavyweight professional print
- Original art- Pen/brush and ink on bristol board, size about 14 inches high by varying widths of 5-9 inches.
- $75.00 Shipping TBD
Look for this page to be updated with PayPal ordering links on Wednesday, July 24th. First come first served on the eleven “Special Edition”prints that feature original art.
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Oh man, that thing will sell and sell! Good for you Tom. I kind of wish the first guy in color on the left’s hand wasn’t behind the guy with the hat- but in front. Would you have missed much more than some curls? Just my two cents because I saw the rough and loved that pose/hands.
Yes, I played around with that and unfortunately I’d have needed to move Tom Baker, and thus the rest of them, over a little to the right as part of Pertwee’s hand was at a tangent with Baker’s cheek. That caused an odd amount of space between those two wich threw the balance off entirey. I’d have ad to redo the pose or billow out Baker’s trenchcoat or something to compensate, and I was pressed for time. Glad you like the art!
In the words of Al Pacino…WHO Harrr!!!
Brilliant job Tom. 🙂
Love this; got to have one. A question. Will the paid for prints have the copyright info deleted and simply have your signature? (This may seem like a dumb question to some, but I’ve not ordered prints before)
mark b
Yes, sorry. No copyright watermark or URL on the print. Just the art. No digital signature either, all signatures with be by hand, as well as the numbering.
Nicely played, Tom. Nicely played.
*jaw drop*
You’ll be receiving a check from me soon, Tom. In the words of Nine, “fantastic!”
Tom- Thanks so much. I received your incredible DW print today. Awesomeandthensome! Thought you might like to know… My Pat had gotten me one of the last remaining Hirschfeld DW lithographs of the 7 Doctors (her card said it was for my next 20 birthdays). Upon seeing your print, she said, “This is way better than the one I got you.” Now THERE’s a compliment…
wow…. untrue but humbling nonetheless. So glad you liked the print! See you in the funny papers!