Drac o’the Week- Max Schreck!
No doubt I’ll get a few arguments that Max Schreck did not “officially”‘ play Dracula in the 1922 film “Nosferatu”, since the character was called Count Orlock, and all the other names were also changed from the Bram Stoker story. However, it’s widely accepted that this was an unauthorized adaptation of Dracula, so much so that Schreck is in many lists of the greatest screen Draculas ever. The courts seemed to think it was Dracula as well, as they ruled against the filmmakers in a copyright infringement lawsuit brought by the Stoker estate and ordered all copies of the film destroyed. Like a good vampire, copies eventually arose and despite its age is considered by many a masterpiece of horror.
Anyway I “count” him as Dracula. As always, the original sketch is available in the Studio Store.
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I smell a theme…
Very cool