Dropping 12/18: MAD #11!

Yes, they are still publishing it. Arriving in subscribers mailboxes already, and in comic book shops everywhere Wednesday!
- Cover (Mark Summers)
- Star Wars Funnies (Kerry Callen)
- Christmas Greedings* (Al Jaffee, Bob Clarke)
- A MAD Look at New Year’s Resolutions (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Carrie Strachan)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- The MAD 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2019
- Boeing’s Max Stupidity (Bob Merlotti, Ed Steckley)
- Amazon’s HQ (Sheryl Zohn, Gideon Kendall)
- Deporable Migrant Detention Camps (David DeGrand, Michael Gambriel)
- Admitting to Admission’s Fraud (Ellis Rosen, Raven Juergensen)
- Micheal McConnell’s Bill Killing (Desmond Devlin, Kerry Callen)
- Game of Thrones Coffee Cup (Amanda Stellberg, Laurie Greasley)
- Selfie-Destruction (Jesse Koester, Marc Palm)
- New U.S. Reps Get No Respect (Ian Boothby, Nathan Sims)
- Lil Nas X Rattles the Country (Brockton McKinney, Dean Macadam)
- On Demand Onslaught (Rob Kutner, Mark Fredrickson)
- Amassed Shootings (Teresa Burns Parkhurst, Bern Mendoza)
- Mueller’s “Big” Reveal (Desmond Devlin & AJ DiCosimo, Hermann Mejia)
- Kylie Jenner’s “Self-Made” Status (Lila Ash, Mike Loew)
- Perverted Justice (Desmond Devlin, Scott Anderson)
- Anti-Vax Hotshots (Sarah Hutto, Tom Richmond)
- Hanoi Summit Interruptus (Blaine Capatch, Bern Mendoza)
- MAD 20 Fold-In (Johnny Sampson)
- Jussie Got Jumped (Grant Reed, B.C. Bruce)
- Democratic MADvent Calendar (Amanda Stellberg, Tom Richmond)
- A MAD “Ending” (Dick DeBartolo, Mark Fredrickson)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- Closer Encounters (Jon Adams)
- Still Dumb After All These Years
- R Kelly Songs for Kids* (R.J. Matson)
- The Catholic Church Sex Abuse Cover-Up* (Sculptor: Liz Lomax)
- Fecal Farms Tainted Spinach* (Scott Maiko, Jack Syracuse)
- Ebola Hysteria* (Uncredited)
- Flint Michigan’s Toxic Water* (R. Sikoryak)
- Amazon Worker’s Wishlist* (Uncredited)
- Kayne West* (Artist: Hermann Mejia)
- The Isreal/Palestine Conflict* (Jeff Kruse, James Warhola)
- Trump Run for the Presidency* (Artist: Hermann Mejia)
- Random Acts of Senseless Violence* (Michael Gallagher, Irving Schild)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- Classic MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee)
*Denotes Reprinted Material
MAD #11 was supposed to be the first of the issues to be a combination of new and reprinted material. As you can see the vast majority of this issue is new material. Out of 60 potential pages of content (including the cover front, back, and insides of each) 45 contain new material, 3 contain ads and 12 are reprinted material. I’m including the table of contents and the two “intro” pages for the MAD 20 and the retro MAD 20 in the “new material” column.
This issue was always going to be a lot of new stuff because of the MAD 20. It will be issue #12 that really shows what percentage of old to new material can be expected going forward.
This issue also features what looks like the official ‘passing of the torch’ for the MAD Fold-In from the incomparable Al Jaffee to the very talented Johnny Sampson. That’s a shame because I think Al was just getting starting to get the hang of it, but Johnny is a great choice to carry on the tradition. That’s kind of a big deal.
My contributions to this issue are two of the MAD 20 pieces. One is a Madams Tussaud’s take on anti-vaxxers written by Sarah Hutto and the other is a Democratic MADvent Calendar written by Amanda Stellberg, featuring many of the contenders and pretenders for the Democratic presidential candidate.
Well what are you waiting for, clod? Go out and buy a furshlugginer issue already!
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A little unusual not seeing a movie or TV parody from you. It’s nice to see new blood on the fold-in. I think even Al would agree. Fingers crossed on issue #12.
Surprised the Fold-In will continue with a different writer and artist. I just link it way too strongly with Al Jaffee to imagine anyone else doing it. I kind of thought it would retire along with Al.
Regardless, the Fold-In was always one of my favorite parts of the magazine and I’ll miss Al’s take on it. At least we had him behind the pen for over 50 years.