Dwindling Supply in the Studio Store!!
Shameless Plug Dept.
Some of the limited edition stuff I’m hawking online are getting close to the end of their editions, so I thought it might be time to give folks a heads up if anyone is thinking about getting one of these for a gift for somebody this holiday season:
“The Mad Art of Caricature” Limited Artist’s Edition
Only 16 of 120 left!
I just mailed out a batch of these last week, and there are only 16 remaining. Here are a couple of recent ones, with the reference pics I used to do the caricatures (clicky to embiggen):
If you aren’t familiar with this, it’s a signed copy of my book, where I will draw a caricature of you or the person of your choice inside the book (on the half-title page, actually) in permanent pen from your pics like you see above. There is also a handsome bookplate that is hand numbered denoting the edition number, limited to 120. Currently this is the only way you can get me to do a caricature of you (I know…Big Deal.) You can order one of the remaining 16 here.
“The Doctor is In” Limited Edition print (with or without the 12th Doctor)
Only 61 out of 450 left!
I just mailed #389/450 yesterday, so these are reaching the end of the run. I will not be doing an updated print with Peter Capaldi added in, but I will hand-draw him in for a little bit extra. 61 prints left sounds like a lot but I sell 6-10 a week, so these will probably not make it past Christmas. You can order it with or without the 12th Doctor added in here!
Other Stuff!
You can also get just a signed copy of my book, or one signed with a drawing of Alfred E. Neuman in it. I’ll be adding several pieces of original art also, including some sketches.
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