Eat Your Onions and Peas
In the last year or two I have been corresponding with a couple of terrific cartoonists from Europe named Jos?© Villena and David Tomaselli, who do a great and clever comic strip called Onion and Pea. They collected their work in a very cool, interactive ebook that I mentioned here before.
Now Jos?¬© and David are putting together their first physical “Onion and Pea” book, and have launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund it. They are recently joined members of the NCS and attended their first Reubens this past May in San Diego where they shot a little video for their campaign…. you may recognize a few names and faces in their pitch video above. I should have worn a tighter t-shirt!
Visit their Indiegogo page and support their book if you are so inclined. Onion and Pea is a fun comic strip and very well done… it’s always great to see work like this well supported .
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