Exclusive Tarantino Blu-ray Mini-MAD!

Entertainment Weekly just spilled the beans on another little project I worked on with Quentin Tarantino‘s studio and MAD for the film “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, this time something for the Blu-ray release.
Like most movies these days, the “home video” release will come in a lot of different packages and flavors. One of them is a “Limited 4K UHD Collector’s Edition” which will feature all the deleted scenes and extra footage of the other releases, but also a 7-inch vinyl record of a recording of Rick Dalton’s “Hullabaloo” TV show guest performance, a poster for the Rick Dalton film “Operazione Dyn-o-mite!” (which was featured as a prop in the film) and an “exclusive new MAD Magazine parody of the Rick Dalton TV series Bounty Law, which is renamed Lousy Law.”
This is a 5.25″ x 6.75″ mini MAD Magazine featuring a new cover (see above) and a 24 page all new parody of the show (written again by Andrew Secunda) plus a couple of classic 60’s era MAD advertising parodies. Here’s a few pages that Entertainment Weekly posted as a sneak peek yesterday:

There’s 20 more pages where that came from, partner! You’ll just have to buy the Limited Super-Ultra Dee-lux 4K UHD Collector’s Edition to get it! Available on Dec 10th!
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