Free Mini-Workshop at NCSFEST!

If you are planning on attending NCSFEST is just a few weeks in Huntington Beach and you’ve been wanting to see what my caricature workshops are all about, here’s your chance… FOR FREE!
I’ll be doing a FREE mini-workshop at the Huntington Beach Arts Center as part of the NCSFEST events. This two hour class will give you a taste of what my caricature workshops are all about. The class takes place Friday, May 17th, from 2pm-4pm at the Huntington Beach Arts Center, 538 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA. Be sure and bring a sketchbook and some pencils, as we will be drawing several faces! Then be sure and stick around to enjoy all the great exhibits at the Arts Center that are also part of NCSFEST!
You need to RSVP for the class, as space is limited.
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