Friday Book Sneak Peek- Chapter 5
This week’s book sneak peek is the opening spread of Chapter Five: “Caricaturing the Rest of the Head”. This chapter contains 25 pages and over 70 illustrations. It deals with drawing and caricaturing the other features of the face past the eyes, nose, and mouth that were covered in the previous chapter. Split into two parts, “The Lower Face” discusses the jaw, chin, cheekbones and ears, while “The Upper Head” covers eyebrows, forehead, hair (the much asked about subject), and the general mass of the top half of the head.
Book delivery update– Some bad news… the books will now not arrive until the second week of October.
The delay due to color matching issues was finally rectified earlier this week, and the book is approved for printing after a delay of about 9 days. Unfortunately, that caused us to miss our scheduled print window for the printing company, and they are trying to squeeze us in earlier but it might be another two weeks before we actually go to press. To top it off, the printer’s estimates of time for shipping have mysteriously changed since the job was bid, adding over 10 days to the shipping time estimate. Altogether that has put us about a month back from the original ETA of mid-September. That puts the bound books on my doorstep at sometime in mid October.
I have sent this info out in an email to all those who have placed a pre-order. Thanks very much to all those who replied to say “no problem” and expressed support for the book. That means a lot. Thank you.
I apologize to everyone who was expecting a September ship date, but these issues are out of my control. The delay will only be about 2 weeks from the end of September, so I am asking for just a little more patience. On the plus side, the corrected proof looks great, and the printed book should look terrific.
If anyone who placed a pre-order does not want to wait any longer for their copy, please e-mail me at once with your name and PayPal order number, and I will immediately issue you a full refund.
Thanks again to everyone who placed a pre-order, and for your patient wait.
See other chapter sneak peeks here.
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I am looking forward to hold your book in hands and start to read it..such things can happen..but you are better than the people who announced the modbook pro for first quarter of 2011..we still don`t know, if the company still on the market or not..even bad news are better than no news ..
Don’t sweat it, Tom, it looks like it’ll be fully worth the wait, can’t wait to get mine.
No problem, but now the signed must be big, and accompanied with a small drawing.
Thank you.
No problem Tom….At least we have something to support you….What you gave us was more than a book… š
I want your book. Looks fantastic!!! I will order now.
Tom, would you consider doing a recap of the process for publishing your book? (Once you have filled your orders and rested, of course.) After reading so much about it in your blog, I think it would be interesting to know the steps you took to complete it.
I guess I could do that, but honestly anyone interested in self-publishing need only buy The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing: Everything You Need to Know to Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book by Marilyn Ross & Sue Collier. That book was my bible when it came to figuring this all out.
I think I found a typo, you have “put” where it should say “but”.
Guess we’re in for another delay? Haha
I had proofreaders/ copy editors on the book, but nobody catches everything. No doubt that will not be the first or last typo in the book.
Just preordered your book. October is worth the wait. I’ve spent almost four years learning and working at caricaturing. I’ve learned something new every day, and
your book hopfully will add the touches I’ve missed.
I love my new career even at age 76.
Thanks a bunch, Bill Smith
OMG! Another delay. I’m stressed. Ok I’ll just get hold of myself. OK, Ok. I can wait. I’ll just have to concentrate on my previously ordered “how to” book, “Slow Cooking for Morons.”