From the Freelance Files: Storyboarding
I know a lot of artists who make a great living doing storyboards, which for those who do not know is a kind of comic-book style way of visually mapping out a live action or animated sequence. Movies, TV shows, animation, commercials… anything that ends up on a screen usually uses storyboards as the visual translation of the script. Storyboards can range from very rough drawings to what looks like finished comicbook art, color and all.
I haven’t done a lot of storyboard work. I did a few storyboard jobs for commercials for a local Twin Cities studio many years ago, and for a couple of short animated scenes for a couple of not-so-well-known movies. Just for fun, here’s a storyboard scene I did for a political docu-film called “I Want Your Money” years ago, where Ronald Reagan tries to explain how socialism is bad to President Obama and a classroom full of young versions of politicians (I didn’t write this, I just drew the funny pictures, so please spare me any political commentary). The scene was animated using characters I designed. The gallery thumbnail function doesn’t work so well on my blog so if you click on the first image you SHOULD get a close up, then click the pop up right arrow for the next panel:

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