GLEE Down Under
Click to visit Anton’s blog for a look at all his GLEE parody art
Anton Emdin is a incredibly talented cartoonist and illustrator from Sydney, Australia who does work for the Aussie version of MAD. I’ve had the pleasure to meet Anton both at the Australian Cartoonists Association’s Stanley Awards last year (where he brought home the Stanley for Best Illustrator, and did so again this year!) and this past year at the National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Weekend, where we were both nominated for the award for Magazine Feature/Magazine Illustration (we both lost). A few months ago Anton emailed me to say he’d been assigned his first full MAD parody, which was a spoof of the U.S. TV show “GLEE”. He’d heard from the U.S. MAD art staff that I was doing the parody for our MAD. We shared each other’s art after we’d gotten them done… Anton’s take (splash page shown above) is fantastic. It’s fun to see a different artist’s approach to the same subject matter.
I am sure this is just the first of many MAD parodies for Anton, who incidentally also had a spot illustration in the American MAD‘s issue #506. Visit Anton’s blog for lots of awesome arty goodness…
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Thanks so much, Tom… although your version blows me out of the water!
Glad to see you’re home safe and sound. Well, maybe not quite sound, but close enough!