Richmond Illustration Inc.
Great Articles Linkapalooza!
May 31st, 2018 | Posted in General
Here’s a couple of links to some terrific reads on this and that:
- Mental Floss has an article on the “15 Secrets of Caricature Artists” by Lela Nargi.
- Medium contribtor Nell Minow writes about the National Cartoonists Society’s Reuben Weekend, and specifically about the great line up of speakers and panels that were there, including the MAD Magazine panel..
- The Hollywood Reporter…uh… reports about the great Stan Sakai being the first honoree of the Joe Kubert Distinguished Storyteller Award from the Kubert School and Atomic Crush Events at Ontario’s Comic Con Revolution earlier this month.
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Hi Tom, I really enjoyed that Mental Floss article, thanks for sharing. 😄