Richmond Illustration Inc.
Great MAD Art Sale Page Fixed
November 24th, 2010 | Posted in General
It seems that my trying to get fancy using some old fashioned HTML table coding on “The Great MAD Art Sale” page resulted in a lot of browsers (mainly Windows Internet Explorer) having trouble seeing the thumbnails and images… I’ve dispensed with tables coding so everything should be working fine now. My apologies.
Despite the technical glitches quite a few of the pieces are already gone or spoken for… thanks for those who have purchased some of this crap… uh… original art from the pages of MAD. Those who are just thinking about buying something… what are you waiting for??
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Hey everyone…I just got my “Richmond” signed original in today’s mail and it’s AWESOME! Tom’s letting these quality cartoon masterpieces go for next to nothing considering they’re originals At this price I’ll be able to afford a professional mat and frame job. Thanks from a very satisified customer, Tom. P.S. These would make a perfect one-of-a-kind gift! Believe me, you won’t be disappointed.
Thanks, Joe! Glad you liked the artwork and happy holidays!