Grey’s Anatomy Sneak Peek and More
As promised, here’s some of the final art for the parody of “Grey’s Anatomy” due in MAD #472. Except for the fact that it looks nothing like George, it turned out okay considering both the time squeeze and the computer crash.

Here’s the final of the “Christmas” workplace poster art, which I just finished this morning.

Now I get to spend a few hours trying to rebuild my contact list and much of my data on the Mac Pro. You don’t really realize how much you depend on these boxes of circuits and wires until something like this happens. I keep thinking to myself “oh, I don’t have that anymore. do I?” and “Oh, I can’t do that anymore because that file is gone”. Lots of little things that add up to big things. Yesterday I realized that my entire e-mail archive and all my contacts are gone, and I didn’t think I had a way to get any of it back. Today I remembered I have a little used PDA that I happened to have syncing and charging on the PC only a few days before the crash, so I do have a complete list of my contacts and most of the e-mails that were in my main inbox… all the ones I’d saved in other folders are gone. Of course I’ll have to re-enter all the data by hand…. ecccchhhhh!
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All things considered, these turned out pretty nice!
Tom ?¢‚Ǩ‚Äù
You lost your contact last? YIKES! That’s the kind of stuff that really pushes me over the edge. Now that you’re a MacMan, have you thought about a account? Take a look at this service from Apple. I got one when I bought the MacBook Pro last winter. So far, I’m lovin’ it!
And always remember to eat your green vegetables and back up your work.
See you Friday.