Happy 100th Bill Gaines!

March 1st, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Today would have been Bill Gaines 100th birthday. I never got to meet him. He passed away June of 1992, 8 years before my first piece appeared in MAD. I was lucky to have gotten to work with so many people who were part of the Gaines era, but I’ll always feel I missed out on the full MAD experience because Bill never saw a single thing I ever drew. I’ve heard many stories about him from friends who knew him well and worked with him for decades. He was a giant in the world of comics and the industry would not be the same without him. Happy birthday, Bill!


  1. David Lubin says:

    I was fortunate to have spoken to Gaines before MAD’s 35th Birthday/Anniversary celebration at the Limelight in New York and received a signed invitation to attend, but couldn’t make it. Also met Annie Gaines later, during the week of a Sotheby’s auction, in 1996 when she invited attendees up to her penthouse to view all the MAD memorabilia. That was an experience I’ll never forget. Rest MADly, Bill.


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