Richmond Illustration Inc.
Happy Birthday Bill Gaines!
March 1st, 2019 | Posted in General

Founding MAD publisher William M. (Bill) Gaines was born on this day in 1922. He would have been 97 today.
I never got to meet Bill. He passed away June of 1992, 8 years before my first piece appeared in MAD. The list of current MAD contributors who worked with MAD during the Gaines era is getting small. Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Sergio and Des Devlin are still regulars. Rick Tulka, Paul Coker, and Sam Viviano have occasionally appeared in the last few years. There may be a few others I’m missing, but many like myself never even met him.
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Editorial staff aside, these are the MAD people who contributed during Bill Gaines’ lifetime, and who also overlapped with your time at MAD. They’re listed by the year of their most recent new work in the magazine:
Jaffee, DeBartolo, Aragones, Devlin, Tulka, Richmond: 2019
Richard Williams: 2018
Paul Coker, Arnie Kogen, Irving Schild, Barry Liebmann, James Warhola: 2017
John Caldwell: 2016
Frank Jacobs: 2014
Don Edwing: 2012
Mort Drucker: 2011
Angelo Torres, Dennis Snee, Gerry Gersten: 2009
Russ Cooper: 2008
Mike Snider: 2006
Dave Berg, George Woodbridge: 2002
(*Coker and Warhola drew MAD mug shots in 2018. Davis, Woodbridge, Porges and Clarke’s last appearances came with Dave Berg’s final, gang-drawn “Lighter Side” in 2003.)
(Correction– Angelo Torres had an additional Fundalini piece in 2010.)
Thanks for all the amazing stats, Mike! I was more referring to current contributors. Of course some of these people are potential current contributors, I’d love to see Coker, Vivian, Torres and other classics MAD artists who are still producing work do some for the new MAD.