Richmond Illustration Inc.
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
March 17th, 2022 | Posted in MAD Magazine

Thank’s the miracle of modern DNA genetic testing I found out a few years ago that I am, in fact, 4% Irish! So, Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I did the above illustration for the “Warner Bros Consumer Products” division a number of years ago, back when they actually produced MAD related products. I did several pieces of art that ended up as T-shirts or whatever. I still have the shirt this was printed on, and I wear it one day a year. You can guess which.

Here are some of the pencil designs I sent them before we went with the final seen above:

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day to both ypu and your family, Tom! Thanks for sharing, bro!
I do the same, Tom, once a year. In fact, I’m sporting said t-shirt right now and I’ve gotten three compliments in the last hour! Obviously, the taste out here in La La Land has much to be desired. And with that, I’ll leave you with something else green! 🤮 HOOHAH❗️
This is easily one of my most favorite pieces by you (never mind the fact that I’m currently out-of-my-skull with green beer and the short walk home from the pub is going to be a high-wire act without the net).
Where can people get the Alfred E. Neuman shirts as a leprechaun?
Only on eBay I’m afraid. It’s been years since they sold it.