Harry Potter Parody Sneak Peek
As promised, here are some of the images from my parody of the new Harry Potter movie in MAD #507, written by Desmond Devlin:
Splash page- Click for a closer look…
Here’s the pencil rough of the splash- Click for a closer look…
A few panels from the story:
I got a bit of a surprise when The Lovely Anna mentioned she’d like to appear in this parody, specifically as the character “Mafalda Hopkirk”, who Hermione impersonates to get into the Ministry of Magic in the film (and the book). Thus:
Yes, that’s The Lovely Anna in the striped suit being bossy…
My apologies to actress Sophie Thompson who, in the unlikely event she has actually seen this, must think I’m a lousy caricaturist since this clearly looks nothing like her yet she played Mafalda in the movie. Sorry Ms. Thompson. Take solace in the fact that, as everybody knows, when The Lovely Anna is happy…
What are you waiting for, clod?!? Go out and buy a fershlugginer copy already!
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Play them out, Keyboard Patronus!
Great work!!!
Tom, you’re a madman! That spread is vicious! That Kingsley is inspired.
I see your parody is up to the same standard I loved so well in my youth. Druckermort huh!
It is weird
“must think I‚Äö√Ñ√¥m a lousy caricaturist”??
Bull! These caricatures are fantastic, well done! I especially love the Snape, Bellatrix, Arthur, and Draco ones 🙂
Awesome! I like it!