Richmond Illustration Inc.
Here We Go…
February 20th, 2018 | Posted in MAD Magazine
Announcements are starting to happen about the MAD reboot (rebirth?) courtesy of DC Entertainment. MAD #551 will be a new MAD #1. Alfred has been updated. Lots of other new things will start to be announced leading up to the April release of MAD #1 (Vol 2). From DC co-publisher Dan DiDo’s Facebook page:
More coverage from: Entertainment Weekly, SF Gate, Urban Daddy, News-A-Rama.
My take…. no comment. Still getting used to it.
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The pooch has been screwed
It can’t be true that they changed Alfred E Neuman! I cannot believe that is anything but a onetime back-cover joke. Not crazy about starting over again at number 1. It sort of feels as if they abandoning their incredible history!
I’d like to think I’m open to change…. still…. I honestly have had some trouble with this from the start. You might as well have moved The New Yorker magazine to L.A.
As long as the content is the same (parodies of movies and TV shows, back cover fold-ins, cartoons in the margins), then my collection can continue to grow. Whether they call it MAD #551 (my preference) or MAD #1, it’ll still be my 457th issue. My biggest concern is that by rebooting this legendary magazine, the new staff has essentially created a new product. The original MAD has been around for over sixty years, so no one was about to pull the plug on a product that has been chugging along for so long despite waning numbers. But with a new product there is bound to be new expectations, and a failure to reach those expectations could create a knee jerk reaction to no longer continue publication, which would be easy to do for two reasons: One, this is not your (grand)father’s MAD being shut down, and two, no one on the new team will have worked long enough to develop enough of a true a sense of loyalty to MAD Magazine to fight for it. I’m hoping for success here, nonetheless, and look forward to parodies of The Last Jedi or black-ish or Gotham or whatever the future issues offer.