If I was in NYC This Friday…
I’d go to this:
R. Crumb Retrospective – NYC 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011 – 7:00pm-10:00pm
Society of Illustrators, 128 E. 63rd St., NYCThe Society of Illustrators proudly presents “R. Crumb: Lines Drawn on Paper,”
an exhibition of original artwork spanning the past four decades.This 90-piece exhibit showcases seminal covers and interior pages from ZAP, HEAD COMIX, THE EAST VILLAGE OTHER, MOTOR CITY COMICS, BIG ASS, HOMEGROWN FUNNIES, SAN FRANCISCO COMICS, and much, much more.
This retrospective, curated by BLAB! magazine founder Monte Beauchamp, editor of The Life & Times of R. Crumb (St. Martin’s Press), presents key pieces culled from the private art collection of Eric Sack, with contributions from John Lautemann, Paul Morris, and David Zwirner.
Both R. Crumb and Aline Kominsky-Crumb will be attending the show.
PLEASE NOTE: Saturday Night’s performance by R. Crumb & the East River String Band (and friends) is SOLD OUT.
But… I’m not. So I won’t. But I would If I was.
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Robert Crumb, love this guy! I bout watched his movie a dozen times already… I remember my dad having his “nasty” comics around the house 🙂