Richmond Illustration Inc.
Illustration Throwback Thursday #51: SI Kids!
August 23rd, 2018 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday
Here are some spot illustrations I did in 2011 for SI Kids. The article was about different types of coaches and I needed to create a cartoon character version of each “type” showing some of their pro and con attributes. We loosely based some of them on real coaches, but not in their facial features. Things like clothing, accessories and demeanor might remind you of certain real coaches in pro or college sports. None of them are even remotely caricatures of real people, though. Here are the final results . . . I think the details of the type is pretty self-explanatory between the illustration and the name:
The General
The Geek
The Old Guy
The Kid
The Buddy
And here are the pencil roughs of each:
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They are great! Thanks for sharing, Tom 😊