Richmond Illustration Inc.
Illustration Throwback Thursday #64: Rob & Celestia!
June 6th, 2019 | Posted in Illustration Throwback Thursday

I did this in acrylics for the wedding invites of my pals Robert Sundini and Celestia Ward back in 2007 (I think it was 2007). I sent them the original but it disappeared from their doorstep after the delivery guy left it laying there. It’s either rotting in the Nevada desert somewhere after being blown off their porch or someone has this caricature of two people they don’t know hanging in their den.
Both Rob and Celestia are top pro caricaturists and Celestia edited my book The Mad Art of Caricature.
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What’s the writing/signature underneath your signature on this piece? Did some one assist on this one?
No, but this is based on the cover of MAD #357 by C.F. Payne, so I signed my name and then “After” and Chris Payne’s signature.
Aha! They make good stand-
ins for Howard and Dennis! Nice job and great idea with the signature.