In Stores: MAD #10

Arriving in subscribers mailboxes now, and in comic book shops everywhere Wednesday!
- Cover (Jason Edmiston)
- Inside Cover (Rob Israel)
- Shorts & Briefs
- Rob Zombie’s Beauty Regimen (Paula Sevenbergen, Dean Macadam)
- Panel Cartoon (Peter Kuper)
- Panel Cartoon (Jason Chatfield)
- Panel Cartoon (Ivan Ehlers)
- Panel Cartoon (Lars Kenseth)
- Announcements You Don’t Want to Hear on the Subway (John Reynolds & Evan Waite, Johnny Sampson)
- Bernie’s 2020 Heathscare Campaign (Amanda Stellberg, Sam Sisco)
- Events that Inspired Al Jaffee’s Signature– Part Two (Al Jaffee)
- The Wisenheim Museum (Doug P’Gosh)
- Spy vs. Spy (Peter Kuper)
- CGI Horrors from the Dizzy Vault (Grant Reed, Mike Loew)
- Humor While You Wait “Monkey’s Paw” (Uncredited, but by Kyle C. Bridgett)
- Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- Dr. Discomfort’s Dastardly, Dreadful, Distressing Real-Life Escape Rooms (Kenny Keil, Ed Steckley)
- The Manmaid’s Tale (Tammy Golden, Tom Richmond)
- A MAD Look at Alfred Hitchcock Movies (Sergio Aragonés, Colors: Carrie Strachan)
- Joker Funnies (Kelly Callen)
- Spirew & Bonesy (Casey Boyd, Anton Emdin)
- Dating a True Crime Fanatic (Rebekah Brandes, Gideon Kendall)
- 2 Baroque Gargoyles (Peter Zimmermann, Jason Seiler)
- MAD’s Tom Bunk Goes to Hell (Tom Bunk)
- Everybody Loves to Eat Raymond (Peter Zimmermann, Jason Seiler)
- One Fine Day in a Costume Shop (Dick DeBartolo, Daulton Vaughn)
- Possessed Barbie (Hurricane Ivan)
- Hot Horror Planet (Andrew Goldfarb)
- Spaghetti and Meatball (George A. Escobar & Bob Lizarraga, Bob Lizarraga)
- The MADifesto (Brian Firenzi)
- The Lighter Side of Halloween (Tammy Golden, Jon Adams)
- The First Comedian on Mars (Eddie Pepitone, Travis Millard)
- Pillow Talk: Dating Advice for Your Dakimakura (Michael Rousselet, Ivan Ehlers)
- Donald’s Seven Deadly Punishments (Teresa Burns Parkhurst)
- Have You Caught the K-POP Zombie Virus? (Molly Schreiber, Paulina Ganucheau)
- Xander and Kam’s Night of the Living Sequels (Ian Boothby, Tom Richmond)
- The Dopiest Demons in Dungeons & Dragons (Dan Telfer, Hermann Mejia)
- The Lobbyist (Matt Cohen, Marc Palm)
- INCOMING! (Reader Letters answered by intern Alex Taffer, art: Mitch O’Connell)
- Meanwhile (Ian Boothby, Pia Guerra)
- Real Dumb (Mike Holmes, submitted by Doug Thomson)
- The MAD Fold-In (Al Jaffee, reprinted from MAD #414)
- Drawn Out Dramas (Sergio Aragonés)
- Back Cover- Hellfraiser (Peter Zimmermann, Jason Seiler)
For the first time in 67 years, this (the latest) issue of MAD Magazine will not be available on newsstands. You can only get this in direct market comic book stores or via subscription, or digitally via Magster or Comixology. This is also the last issue of MAD that features all new material (except AL Jaffe’s Fold-in). This is also the last time you will see any form of film or TV parody in MAD, barring any future changes to content.
My contributions to this issue include a (kind of sort of) parody of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale” written by Tammy Golden and another episode of Xander and Kam’s movie reviews (spoofs) this time featuring horror film sequels, written by Ian Boothby.
Well what are you waiting for, clod? Go out and buy a furshlugginer issue already!
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So am I to understand that this will be the last issue that you will have done work for MAD?
No. I have two pieces in the MAD 20 that will be in issue #11. After that… ??