Richmond Illustration Inc.
Indiana Comic-Con Schedule
March 30th, 2018 | Posted in News
Since there is no official DC booth or MAD related panels at Indiana Comic-Con, there’s not much to my schedule this weekend, so it’s easy to remember!:
Friday March 30th
- 12:00pm-2:30pm- Guest Creators Area booth G3
- 3:30pm-4:30pm- “Mad MAD Art” presentation room 142
- 4:45pm-7:00pm- Guest Creators Area booth G3
Saturday March 31st
- 10:00am- 7:00pm- Guest Creators Area booth G3
Sunday April 1st
- 10:00am- 5:00pm- Guest Creators Area booth G3
I was given the go ahead to show some of my artwork from the upcoming new MAD #1 (the same stuff they showed at Wondercon) during my talk today, so those in attendance will get a bigger sneak peek at what to expect when the new issue drops on April 17th.
Otherwise I’ll have the usual crop of junk for sale, although without The Lovely Anna as my booth babe commander I will not be able to do as many commissions as normal. So, if that’s something you want to get, better come by early in the show.
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