Indy Workshop in the Books!

This past weekend I managed to get another workshop in amid the coronavirus pandemic, this one in Indianapolis. It was a small but fun group!
In other workshop news, I have had to postpone my NYC workshop AGAIN because travelers from Minnesota are currently required to quarantine for 2 weeks after arriving there, which is obviously impossible. I will not reschedule that workshop until I am sure the new dates will be viable. I will not be scheduling any more workshops until I am sure they will not have to be postponed or cancelled due to the pandemic. This will be well into 2021 I think.
I do have one more workshop planned in 2020. This one is in the Chicago area in less than two weeks, Sept 26-27th, and I once again have a spot open due to a cancellation. So, I have ONE OPEN SPOT left in one of my workshops for possibly the next 9 months to a year. Grab it here while the grabbing is good!
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