Inking Workshop and Speaking Engagement
I hate coming back from Hawai’i. It’s not that I hate coming home… by the end of the week I miss my kids, I’m usually bored with sun and surf and ready to get back to business. It’s the trip home that sucks. Any rest I got on vacation is negated by 11 hours of flying and a 4 hour time change loss. I’m more tired right now than when I left for vacation.
But I digress. I wanted to pimp once more for the National Caricaturist Network‘s Mini-Con in St. Louis in March. This Saturday is the deadline to get the guaranteed room rate, and also for the organizers to reach their room booking requirements from the hotel. Therefore if you are thinking about attending, now’s the time.
This is going to be a great show, easily the closest thing to the full NCN convention ever put on in the midwest. I’ll be doing a keynote address including a ton of samples of my work from live caricature to illustration to MAD, detailing a MAD job from beginning to end and other general silliness. There will be a lot of time for questions and answers and I’ll have a large collection of original MAD artwork on display including rough drafts, pencils and preliminary sketches.
On Tuesday I will be doing a 3 hour workshop on inking with dip pen and brush.??ᬨ‚Ć We will be drawing and inking a caricature illustration. I’ll be providing the reference materials. The inking supplies and board you can either buy from me for cost ($17.00 total) or bring your own stuff. We’ll be using various techniques in both pen and brush, as well as some wash work.
You do not have to be a caricaturist to get a lot out of this event. I am hoping well see a fair number of cartoonists there as well. The other workshops and seminars will be very educational, including one on digital coloring by world class digital artist Court Jones. We also spend a lot of time just drawing each other and the sheer amount of artwork and the intense creativity is a real energizer.
Please spread the word and if anyone is “on the fence” then take the plunge and come to the St. Louis Mini Con.
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CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)