Interest in Illustration Workshop?
I’m seriously considering doing a new kind of workshop here in Minnesota the last weekend of March (the 28th and 29th). This new workshop would focus on caricature illustration, where I would teach concept, composition, inking and watercolor and digital coloring, and each student would be doing an illustration “assignment” from start to finish like a freelance job. We could have three different possible assignments: a full page feature magazine illustration; a more kids orientated sports illustration, or a one page MAD Magazine like comic. I actually did something similar to this when I did my first couple of workshops here in MN before switching to fully focusing on caricature itself and only doing inking and coloring “demos”.
This would be a little less expensive at $400 (you’d need to bring the supplies you want to work with) and 10-6 each day, plus a meet and greet at my home/studio on the Friday before. I am just gauging interest at this point, but the dates are only 3 months away. If I can get 12 people interested I’ll book it!
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Hi Tom, I would be interested in a class teaching the production concepts you mention, but really my next challenge is full body cartoon skills. Hands, shoes, posture, perspective, cloths, etc. Chiseling out basic blunders below the head would be very interesting to me.
I signed up my son for the Chicago Workshop which filled the 2020 family cartoon budget, so unless I hit the street and hawk commissions, I would have to pass in March.
Student Bob
Sounds fun! I’m a hobbyist who has attended one of your workshops previously, but I’d like being a guinea pig for this as well.
I am totally in! i loved the class in Dc, this would be next level!
I would be interested
I’d be really interested; does it work if we’d want to keep the project completely in the digital realm (drawing>inking>coloring)?
This would be a line-and-color style as far as my instruction goes, so digital works well with that and I am well versed on digital illustration. I’d allow people to work in other mediums if they want but then I’d only be able to help with the narrative, composition, caricature and such.
If I was more experienced, I would sign up in a heartbeat. If you do this type of class in about a year, I am totally in. I should have more confidence in my work by then.
That’s what I enjoyed most from that very first workshop.
I’m interested. Would you be using Clip Studio for the digital?
Just for inking probably. I work in PhotoShop
I attended your workshop in Chicago a year or so ago, would be Very interested in attending.
Hi Tom, Yes I would be very interested in this type of class. Although I’m a little concerned that it would be beyond my skill level, also my knowledge of digital drawing software is quite limited. I haven’t used photoshop but I do dabble in the drawing and picture tools of Microsoft Excel quite frequently. All that being said I am very eager to learn. Would the workshop be geared to someone with my skill level ?
PS Since attending your Chicago and Denver workshops my passion for caricature and drawing in general continues to grow. Thank you !!
Where do I insert my credit card??? Count me in please!
Will you come back to Toronto Tom?