Interweb MADness
If you don’t frequent MAD‘s website often, you are missing out on some original and funny stuff. They post daily content that is often all new and very timely stuff that is more than a few notches above your typical meme. They also sprinkle in classic features like Don Martin, Dave Berg, Spy vs. Spy and more.
Lately they have really been on a roll with political satire ala these two recent posts:
Back in the early 2000s when I started for MAD, I heard a lot of right-wingers accusing MAD of being a¬¨‚Ć “liberal rag” because all they did was bash Bush and his cronies. I would defend MAD in saying they go after the people in charge, left or right. That, of course, held no water for the Limbaugh crowd… if you aren’t with them you are against them.
Now, the lefties are all crying about MAD being an extension of Fox News and accusing them of having been bought out by Rupert Murdoch. See my same argument from 2001-2009. You go after the people in power, and regardless of your personal political views if someone does something stupid, you point it out with gusto. The only difference is that a good political satirist tries to separate the spin from the real stupidity.
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If this is true, I commend you…