Jack Attack!
On August 1st I will be in St. Simons Island, GA, attending the opening reception of the Jack Davis retrospective show “Jack Davis: From the Beginning” and taking part in a panel discussion on Jack’s career and his influence on humorous illustration. This all takes place beginning at 5:00 pm at the Glynn Art Association building. The panel will include myself, longtime MAD editor Nick Meglin and illustrator/cartoonist Jack Pittman. We’ll be discussing all things Jack. This is a ticketed event with limited seating…you can visit this page for more info.
There are also plenty of free events throughout the weekending, including a presentation on Jack’s work on Friday from 10-11am, and cartooning workshop for kid by Jack Pittman from 3-4:30 pm¬¨‚Ć as well as an inking demo by Greg Cravens, cartoonist of the syndicated strip “The Buckets” and “Hubris”, on Saturday from 10-11 am.
The show runs through Aug 30th.
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