Richmond Illustration Inc.
Jack Davis and Sergio Aragon??⬨¬©s Honored
October 23rd, 2006 | Posted in General
I know… I’m too busy to blog today.
I had to post this link to a post on the outstanding blog of writer Mark Evanier. I am envious he was actually on hand Saturday evening at the Comic Art Professional Society‘s dinner honoring Jack Davis, which was the subject of this post of mine last week. I wish I could have been there. Follow the first link above to read Mark’s report on the evening.
I knew about the secret plans to also honor Sergio, as CAPS president Chad Frye quietly asked for artists to do their version of Groo for a book to be given to Sergio that evening, similar to the one given to Jack. Alas, I was told about it too late to do a drawing… not that Sergio would miss it or anything.
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