Jack Davis Kickstarter

June 1st, 2013 | Posted in News

The Kickstarter campaign to help cover the expenses of the upcoming Jack Davis retrospective I mentioned yesterday just got rolling. I was going to promote the fact that I donated this original MAD page as one of the rewards for pledging, but it’s already been snapped up!:

RichmondClicky to embiggen…

There are a lot of other cool rewards including a personal commissioned drawing by Walt Simonson, a signed copy of IDW’s new Jack Davis’s EC Stoies: Artist’s Edition, and original Arnold Roth illustration (!!) and many more. Go support this show if you can… their goal is only $3,000 but if they get more they can do a lot more fun things for Jack.


  1. Thanks for the plug, Tom. I just sent the link over to the NCS facebook page in hopes that they’ll share it there, too. It’s only been active for two days now and we’re already over a third of the way to reaching our goal, but like you said, we could DEFINITELY do more fun things if we can raise even more funds. Looking forward to meeting you at the show this August.
    Oh, I’m Bob Pendarvis, the original founder of SCAD’s Sequential Art Dept. and the guy who put together the kickstarter for Jack.


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