James Gandolfini- 1961-2013
The above part of an old MAD piece featuring actor James Gandolfini, who unexpectedly passed away yesterday. What a terrible shame, at 51 he should have had many years of thrilling audiences with his fantastic talent.
I drew Gandolfini many times in MAD, including “A MAD Peek Behind the Scenes on the Set of the Sopranos” in MAD 422, “America’s Next Top Mobster” in MAD 482, and a MAD 20 piece in issue 485 where we showed a number of different, and better, ways “The Sopranos” should have ended. Here’s a few of those in tribute to James Gandolfini:
The Gallagher Ending
The Newhart Ending
The Looney Toons Ending
The Mission Impossible Ending
The Citizen Kane Ending
The Pulp Fiction Ending
The Monty Python Ending
The Crying Game Ending
The Happy Ending (clicky to embiggen)
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I’m not sure why this was so shocking, but I was shocked as well! Lots of people and actors die before their time, and many of these deaths just blow by with the rest of the news. Maybe it was because he was just so likeable and has been involved with so much great stuff. (and, not trying to be a troll, but it’s “Gandolfini”)
Damn, I’m… just… I… This… I don’t know what to say.
If you don’t embiggen, you’re not doing the Happy Ending right.
🙂 Ha Ha