Kennedy Cartooning Scholarship Deadline Looms
Artwork by Michael Ramirez, Pulitzer prize winning editorial cartoonist
The National Cartoonists Society Foundation is once again administering the Jay Kennedy Memorial Scholarship for college students who are studying and/or pursuing work as cartoonists. Last year’s winner, Juanita Medina, received not only a scholarship but a free trip to attend and be honored at the NCS Reuben Awards. This year’s winner will get the same treatment!
Entry into the competition is pretty straightforward. Here is the official info from the NCSF:
Applicants must be college students in the United States, Canada or Mexico that will be in their Junior or Senior year of college during the 2009-2010 academic year. Applicants DO NOT have to be art majors to be eligible for this scholarship.
Along with a completed entry form, applicants are required to send 5 samples of their own cartooning artwork; noting if and where the work has been published (either print or web).
Please send copies. DO NOT send original artwork.DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 6, 2009
The applications will be judged by the National Cartoonists Society Foundation (NCSF) and the number of scholarships given out and their amounts will be at their discretion of the NCSF.
Please send your completed form and your cartooning artwork (8.5×11 copies only, no originals). Send CDs for animation only.
National Cartoonists Society Foundation
341 N. Maitland Avenue, Suite 130
Maitland, FL 32751
Once again, the deadline is fast approaching on February 6th, so get those samples together, fill out the application form found here, and get it in the mail ASAP. There are very few programs like this specifically for students of cartooning… in fact it’s the only one I know of. Don’t miss out if you are eligible.
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Congratulations for your post 1000 and thanks for your work; it´s really fantastic!!!