Last of my Workshops?

This past weekend I was in New York to FINALLY do the last of my pandemic postponed workshops. This workshop was originally scheduled to take place in early May 2020, but was postponed due to the then newly raging pandemic. We rescheduled it for October of 2020 but it had to again be postponed due to continuing restrictions. We finally got the class in, with a few new people taking the place of some who had dropped out.
I am being asked by a few if I will be doing in-person workshops again. I don’t have an answer for that. I know I will not be doing any more in 2021. I have no concrete plans to do any in 2022 or beyond, but never say never. I’m still trying to find the time to put together the on-line version, but have made little progress on that due to a lot of other demands on my time. I fully expected to have the virtual version up and running by now, but that is still a ways away.
I suspect what will happen going forward is I will get the online workshop put together first, and then I may do a handful of in-person ones each year that will be a sort of continuing education orientated workshop. In other words it will be for people who have taken the online version but want a chance to advance their skills working with a group and directly with me in person. These will likely be larger groups, but less expensive to participate. I may also give the “Caricature Illustration” workshop another try. The one I had scheduled here in MN took place during the pandemic but was severely curtailed.
That all said, if I get a group of people who want me to come to their area and do a workshop, I would probably do that. I just don’t think I’ll be going back to the 10-12 times a year twelve person classes.
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……time to visit Tom at a Minn. caricature venue , …. I’ve milked his book fairly well … now to meet the guru in person. . . .