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Viz #290 is out and they have once again stooped low enough to have a couple of pieces by me in the issue. One is the color movie poster above.
Now, if you don’t know what the “Carry On” movie series is then… join the club. I’d never heard of them but as I didn’t grow up in England why would I have? It’s a series of comedic films all starring virtually the same players that spanned 31 movies from 1958 to 1992 (although 30 of the 31 movies were released between 1958 and 1978, with 1992’s “Carry On Columbus” being a try at reviving the franchise). Apparently these movies also play endlessly on “the telly” in the U.K. Anyway, if you are familiar with the “Carry On” movies then you’ll probably think this is hilarious.
My other piece is called “Shoe Shop Sales Wars”, which needs no explanation:

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From a former Brit I can attest that the Carry On poster is indeed hilarious.
Great work on the “Carry On” poster…saw a lot their movies on tv as a kid and you have certainly captured their attitude and likeness.