London Workshop??
The Lovely Anna and I are headed to London UK next month just for fun, and circumstances have recently changed (more on that later) that makes it possible to spend an extra couple of days beyond our original return date. So, I thought, how about doing one of my caricature workshops?
I have tentative arrangements with a hotel right by Heathrow, and would stage the workshop over two days: Saturday Dec 3rd from 10-8 and Sunday Dec 4th from 9-5. The itinerary would be similar to my January Orlando workshop.
My question is: are there 12 people out there who would sign up for this? If so, I will book the hotel and start making plans. I am not going to add this to my store, but rather will start taking a list of interested parties and offer the workshop spots to them on a first-come first-served basis (once and IF I get 12 interested parties). If you are interested please Email Me and I will start compiling the list.
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