Richmond Illustration Inc.
“Lousy Law” Sneak Peek
July 24th, 2019 | Posted in MAD Magazine

MAD posted a small sneak peek of the “Lousy Law” parody art today on their Instagram. This is a cropped panel from the five page parody of the fictional TV show Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” was the star of in the late 50’s/early 60’s. I’ll post more sneak peeks once the issue hit’s the stands (that’s the last time I’ll be able to say THAT) on Aug 6th.
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Love it! Very 60’s Drucker, especially faithful with the grey tones.
This is already mad favorite new issue and I haven’t even seen It yet. That cover is amazing!!!!
Tom… this may be your last issue but it will never be your last Hurrah my friend. You have been gifted with an amazing ability as well as the pedigree that will take you many other places in this business. I am still growing because of your workshop here in Orlando . It was what I needed to grow another inch!! I’m looking forward to see what will be happening in your future!!
Watched the movie over the weekend and knew to look for that old 1969 issue that never existed. Wish I’d had a camera when it appeared. Thrilled for Mad and Mad fans and you.
Thanks, Doug!
Mad will be missed!