MAD #2 Sneak Peek!
The crew at MAD Magazine are starting to release little sneak peeks at what’s coming up in MAD #2. The image above is from my piece in the issue, written by Ian Boothby. It’s a VERY close up cropped part of a panel from what is kind of a movie parody but isn’t really a movie parody… but is a movie parody. Why Ms. Pacman? You’ll just have to wait until June 5th to find out! That’s when MAD #2 hits the stands.
Incidentally, if you are not following MAD on social media and the interwebbies, what are you waiting for?? They are doing original comics and content on their website, posting sneak peeks like the one above on their Instagram, tweeting multiple tweets of hilarious tweetishness daily on Twitter, and entertaining thousands of Russian ‘bots on Facebook. They also have a Twitch channel and this summer will be doing a MAD podcast. I assume they will be publishing a magazine somewhere in there as well, but who knows?
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Why is everything so secretive these days? I remember when MAD used to say in issues what they would make fun of in the next one.
Actually the new MAD is a lot less secretive than it has been the last few years. I was never allowed to say what I was working on or share any images before publication. Now they are sharing sneak peeks and hints.
That’s still not exactly saying what “Title of Movie / TV Show” you’ll be parodying in the new issue of MAD though…